Charter Hall named WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality

26 February 2021

Reflecting its commitment to equal opportunity and mutual success, Charter Hall Group has been named an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation holder by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

A recognition program for those active in achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces, WGEA noted Charter Hall as an industry leader for its efforts in career development, gender-balanced recruitment, flexible work practices, degendered parental leave schemes and pay equity.

Charter Hall Managing Director and Group CEO, Mr David Harrison, said “It’s about making sure the environment enhances flexibility and inclusion to support and encourage all of our people to achieve their personal and professional aspirations.”

“We do this by finding the right people for the right roles and then leveraging our diverse operating model to accelerate their potential.”

“This means placing emphasis on experiences, rotations and learning through others to make the most of transferable skills and equip people with the capabilities they need to help us grow as a business and make Charter Hall a great place to work.”

A Male Champion of Change, Mr Harrison has actively sponsored targeted programs to accelerate female talent into senior and revenue generating roles, supported improvements in the transition experience to and from parental leave, and addressed gender stereotypes that prevent men from requesting flexible work arrangements.

In keeping with its commitment to inclusion and creating safe, enabling environments, Charter Hall is also proud of its long term partnerships with community organisations such as Two Good Co. to support individuals experiencing domestic and family violence.

Mr Harrison said “One of the initiatives that I am most proud of is our work on domestic and family violence. It’s an important issue that can affect any one of us and I am unequivocal about the need for our business to provide a safe and inclusive space for all.”