Business Supplies Group Secures New Headquarters at Reservoir Business Hub

17 December 2024
Warehouse 5, 21-35 Radford Road

A business supplies group with national distribution capabilities has secured a lease for its new warehouse headquarters at ESR’s Reservoir Business Hub.

The move marks a significant milestone in the strategic growth trajectory of the business supplies company, providing it with a larger footprint and enhanced storage capacity.

Warehouse 5, 21-35 Radford Road has an area of 3,314 sqm with 13.7m internal clearance height, which will significantly boost storage capabilities.

The lease agreement was negotiated by CBRE’s Corey LeFavi and Joe Brzezek on behalf of ESR.

This is the second transaction facilitated by CBRE at the Reservoir Business Hub, bringing the total leased space to 7,352 sqm.

Mr LeFavi said, “The decision of the company to relocate was driven by the timing of the site’s availability and size, with a current under supply of facilities available for lease between 3,000 – 4,000sqm in Melbourne’s North.”

“This transaction shows the growing trend of expanding industrial businesses that are seeking high clearance facilities below 4,000 sqm to take advantage of the improved cubic meter capacity which is not seen with typical prime and secondary grade facilities within this size range,” Mr Brzezek added.